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PRO'S LAB Signature Aesthetic


Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

At Pro's Development Lab, our strength lies in our team. We are more than a group of individuals; we are a family of innovative thinkers, creative problem-solvers, and enthusiastic go-getters. United by a common passion for teaching and learning, each team member contributes uniquely to our mission, employing tools like M.A.P. methodology, C.A.T. coaching developmental service, and S.E.D. Physical Education Departments creativity.

Meet Our Leaders: Gary Hailes, CEO
Gary, along with Dee Smith, co-founded Pro's Lab with the vision of transforming the adolescent and teen development industry. With over 40 years in sports, Gary combines extensive expertise with a profound passion for the sports education industry. He is deeply involved in the Sales Market side of our operations and serves on the board of several prominent companies.

Dee Smith, CFO
Dee is the financial wizard behind the curtains, ensuring our growth is sustainable and strategic. His unmatched analytical skills make him a key figure in our decision-making process. Dee is deeply involved in sports education and continues to coach girls' basketball in his spare time.


Marie Ferdinand-Harris, COO

Manages the organization’s daily operations and reports directly to the CEO. Marie's breathtaking visuals and compelling copy capture the essence of our brand. As the leader of our creative organization, she ensures our company profoundly resonates with our audience.

Our Technical Team: Scott Halliwell, Head of Technology
Scott leads our Research and Development Team, crafting the cutting-edge technology solutions that keep us at the forefront of the industry. His dedication to innovation is crucial for our continuous advancement.


ShaRonda Calhoun, Director of Sports
ShaRonda turns our ambitious dreams into reality. Her expertise in Athletics and Physical Education has driven numerous projects from their inception to their successful completion.


Marvin Harvey, Director of Education Programs: Marvin's programs are as effective as they are engaging. With a sharp focus on aesthetics and user experience, he brings our educational ideas to life in captivating and engaging ways.


Our Alumni Stars: Our Pros and Professional Team
Our global team of former and current professionals embodies the spirit of Pro's Development Lab. They provide support and guidance to our adolescent and teen clients, enhancing our brand's reputation through every interaction.


Why We're Different
We cultivate a culture centered around sports and personal development, emphasizing innovation, integrity, and inclusivity. Every team member is valued and heard, creating a workplace that truly believes in work-life balance and continuous learning.


Join Our Journey
As we continue to innovate and grow, we are always on the lookout for passionate individuals to join our team. If you value creativity, teamwork, and a forward-thinking approach, consider making a difference with us. Visit our Careers page to explore opportunities.

Our Philosophy:Beyond the Game

At The Pro Lab, we are more than just a sports training facility; we are innovators, educators, and trailblazers in the field of athletic development. Founded in 1974 with the pioneering question, "Is there a standard to shooting a basketball?", we have grown into a leading authority in holistic athletic training and development. Our mission is to blend sports prowess with personal growth, creating not just exceptional athletes but well-rounded individuals.


Welcome to The Pro Lab: Redefining Athletic Excellence

Our approach recognizes sports as a transformative tool for comprehensive development, emphasizing more than just physical capabilities. We integrate mental resilience and emotional intelligence, promoting lifelong learning to ensure athletes not only excel in sports but in all aspects of life.

We begin by engaging Middle School Physical Education departments and supporting multiple sports. Our focus is on nurturing late starters and late bloomers, a segment often overlooked in the U.S. sports industry, providing them with the skills and mindset needed for both athletic and personal growth.

This holistic development model serves as the foundation for our programs, aiming to cultivate well-rounded individuals who thrive in both their personal and professional lives.



Our sports methodologies, like the Shot Lab and Pro-Shot, have been developed through decades of research and experimentation. These cutting-edge techniques have revolutionized basketball shooting mechanics and have been a catalyst for our broader approach to sports training. We emphasize the importance of understanding the individual needs of each athlete, crafting personalized training regimens that align with their unique goals and abilities.




Innovative Methodologies:The Pro Lab Difference


Comprehensive Programs: Nurturing Talent at Every Level

From our Kids Playing Sports Longer (KPSL) initiative to our Middle School (S.E.D.) Skill-based Curriculum, alongside Experimental Learning and Developmental Learning within our Eighth Grade Pro Program, including M.A.P and C.A.T. Initiatives, we offer a broad spectrum of sports programs designed for diverse age groups and skill levels. Each program is intentionally crafted to foster holistic development, merging physical training with essential elements such as critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership skills.

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The Pro's Developmental League: Paving the Future

The Pro's Developmental League (D-League) underscores our dedication to inclusive training by welcoming athletes who are late starters or bloomers in sports. Inspired by the renowned sports clubs of Belgrade, Serbia—a breeding ground for top NBA talent—our program embodies the conviction that every athlete, regardless of their starting point in skill or experience, merits an opportunity to shine. We are committed to rolling out our Pro's Lab Initiative progressively, beginning one state at a time, with aspirations to expand on a global scale. This strategic approach not only nurtures potential within each locale but also sets the stage for a broader impact, mirroring the ripple effect of a stone thrown into a pond.

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The Pro's Lab Methodology has been recognized internationally for its innovative approach to sports education, blending rigorous academic research with practical application in the field. Established over four decades of empirical research and experimental discovery, this methodology analyzes and refines the various techniques and practices used in athletic training and development. Internationally, Pro's Lab has acted as a nexus for global scholars who challenge conventional norms, thereby fostering a robust platform for discussion and evolution in sports science. Through its expansive network, the methodology has influenced coaching and training standards across continents, adapting to diverse cultural contexts while maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of its core principles. This international formation has not only validated the methodology's effectiveness but also ensured its adaptability to various international sporting environments, making it a cornerstone in the evolution of modern sports training paradigms.

Join Our Movement


At The Pro Lab, we are dedicated to creating a new era in athletic development. We invite you to join us on this journey, whether as an athlete, parent, or community member. Together, we can redefine what it means to be an athlete and inspire the next generation to achieve their fullest potential.

"Transforming athletes, inspiring lives – that's the heart of The Pro Lab."

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